3 Ways To Look After Your Mental Health When Working From Home
As creative entrepreneurs or small business owners, we’re mostly on our own and there’s usually a LOT more responsibility than working under a corporation. With all the stress that running your own small business can bring, it’s easy to forget that as humans our productivity can ebb and flow.
Consider these ways to look after your mental health when working from home.
1. Try to Get into a Routine — But Know When to Switch It Up
It can be a challenge and isolating to work from home and be in charge of everything — missing socks included. Often, you may find your attention wandering, or feeling overwhelmed.
A routine can help you focus on your tasks.
Use these strategies:
• Have a space for work that is free of any distractions and is adjusted to your needs and likes. Bring things to your space that make you feel organized and joyful.
• Set a routine to get up and get started, take regular breaks including lunch, and finish work at a reasonable time.
• Avoid working in your pajamas. There’s no need to get fully decked out (unless that’s your thing — work it!), but at least change clothes and go through some simple skincare.